Sananda: This is a pivotal moment in human history.

Sananda: This is a pivotal moment in human history.

This is a pivotal moment in human history.  Enormous changes are underway as your attitudes and beliefs go through extensive cleansing, releasing, reinterpreting, and renewing in preparation for your imminent awakening.  It is imminent, and the chaos and conflict that fills your news channels is a very clear indication of this.  There are many open hearted and loving people doing great work all across the planet to help the majority deal with all the core issues that are arising within them, seemingly unbidden.  Nothing happens to anyone without their agreement and permission.  On Earth that often does not appear to be the case, but that is only because your awareness of your true nature is so deeply buried that you cannot access the knowledge or memory of what you incarnated to do.  It is very confusing for you as you go through your “dark night of the soul” experience feeling lost, alone, and abandoned.


Sananda via John Smallman, March 14th, 2017

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