You can never get away from the fact that some people are chosen to lead the way. Let them do their job and let yourselves become inspired. – Sananda

You can never get away from the fact that some people are chosen to lead the way. Let them do their job and let yourselves become inspired. – Sananda



A Message from Sananda

via Camilla Nilsson

October 16, 2017


My Dear Friends,

It is me again, Jesus-Sananda, who is coming through this channel Camilla. I and other members of the Council would like to give some, let us call it, opinions. We are observing you, Mankind of Mother Earth and sometimes, if not often, we fall silent seeing the way your words differ from your actions.

When you are speaking from your heart, you possess an enormous amount of power. Your words can fill up your being entirely, and your conviction is total. That is when you are well connected with All That Is. You can see what is happening on your planet. You know.

But what’s next?

What are you in fact doing to make a change?

You let yourselves be overshadowed by the deeds of the non-believers – The non-believers, who rob you of your convictions. It is the same non-believers who raise questions, and who often express themselves in judgmental ways.

When I say ‘non-believers’, I mean those who do not look beyond time and space. Those who do not see the whole of humanity, but who just see everything in a flat way. What matters is the now, and the individuals heading straight forward. Often with big egos, which help them, they elbow their way forward. It is no matter of this one of you, and that one of you, or that you should change these people, it is a matter of not letting yourself get pushed aside.

It is not a matter of convincing anyone else but yourself.

It is a matter of you working within your power in your unique way. To dare to stand up for what you believe in. Your words may plant a seed of inspiration in someone else. To plant a seed means to spread the light. When you are planting a seed, you are showing us that you are walking on our mutual path. The more of us we become, the stronger we will get. Our mission is to spread light and illumination to those who are willing to receive it. Accept the light, and the illuminations, and make use of this in your life. Use those physically, and not just within your body.

Make use of the assets, to become the best of you and what you can contribute in these times, when the population of Earth is shaken up. Things happen so that you will be shaken up, to open your eyes. Not because you should live in fear, but because you will come to an understanding that many of your ways of living are not sustainable in the long run. Mother Earth and your physical bodies are raising their frequencies and you, within your consciousness, need to do the same. Your consciousness can manifest physical actions.

Dear Earthlings. You are not shaken up in order to live in fear, you are shaken up in order to discover how life on Mother Earth needs to be governed. The power needs to be distributed and given to those who can handle it. The power needs to be distributed to many people. You can never get away from the fact that some people are chosen to lead the way. Let them do their job and let yourselves become inspired.

My words today might have seemed harsh, but all I have said is spoken with love. Do not let the light remain inside your heart. Spread it out and let it loose.

With gratitude for having had my voice heard, I will now withdraw.

With Love to all of you, Jesus – Sananda


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