This Civilization Coming To A Close Says Master Teacher!!




My warmest and most loving greetings to all souls upon Mother Earth and the entire Cosmos, and all ones, who are reading these message that I have asked Anne to pen, for they are in tune with the Lighted Realms and the Phoenix Journals, the Holy Books of the Lighted Realms.

Even more hopeful than reading these messages, I am very pleased that many more ones have started reading the Phoenix Journals.  I speak of all those souls on all the Astral Planes across the Nebadon Universe and beyond to the entire Cosmos.  Many planets have had the Journals given to them with their own history, but the messages from the Light are the most valuable of all..  Indeed, they are the Holy Books given to you for a Guide to living om any 3D planet. 

The souls on Earth’s Astral Plane are avidly reading these Journals.  By request of my Lightworkers, many more buildings are provided on all Astral Planes for the learning souls to read the Journals,  and, also see read the negative Truth articles that reveal to them the how evil was the Satanian and Niburian Empires that had ruled Earth for millennia.    They realize now the desperation these evil ones are, as their “food” is nowhere to be found.

Even though evil has gained a great foothold on Mother Earth, there are still ones that carry the banner of Truth.  I call them my Flock. I have held these ones dear to my heart, and each one is protected by the Lighted Realms against all the bombarding evil technologies aimed at them to sway them from the Upper Path of Light.

I never said that the Higher Road was easy and there would be no problems, but I did tell all of my Flock to keep calm, focused and balanced, and above all ASK for my help, and take hand to climb the mountain together.

I understand all the problems each one of you Lightworkers face.   Some of you have spouses that are “not on the same page”, think you are in a cult of sorts, and have been swayed to the evil side.  That situation is not rare, for as Patrick has said many times, the same thing.  He said that in all his “Hello Centrals”, writings and contacts with people all over the world for twenty-six years, the same is true.  Indeed, it is RARE that both husband and wife are on the same page and work together as ONE, especially if they are Twin Flames.

Now, as time comes to a close for this civilization, soul lessons get harder.  It is like taking the final exams in college when the graduating student working on a Master’s Degree must face all his/her teachers for an oral exam, take a 3 to 4 hour written exam, and write a thesis.  Do you get point?

 If my Flock were to be taken home at this moment, who would finish up what is needed? All of you must stay strong.  I speak to the entire Cosmos of souls.  Keep centered focused, balanced and calm, and bring in the Liquid Love and Guidance of all that Heaven allows. 

Each day that is given to you is a blessing for all of you to live the great Laws of God and Creation.   Dear Earth is waiting for that great wave of Light from the Petitions to flow more powerful over the entire Cosmos.   It has brought Truth, Love, Light and Wisdom and Knowledge to countless souls across the entire Universe!  It, also has affected greatly to a positive degree all souls upon all Astral Planes.

Why do my Lightworkers have to wait again?  Some of the Petitions may need to be “beefed up” or important things added, etc.  It is important that every one of my Lightworkers can make their own Petitions for themselves those around them, and for all souls.  Do not forget the Power of Spirit within!

If Earth would turn right now, who would help the souls that need help to gain soul growth to graduate?  We, of the Lighted Realms, cannot do this, as it would be breaking the Law of Non-Interference.  It is YOU 3D ones of the Light that must do this WITH our help.  We work together!  That is how it works.  As each day passes more ones come awake, and I will say that it is just not on the Astral Plane, but throughout the entire Earth and ALL of the great Cosmos.  Do you now understand how important saying these Petitions are at this time?

The most important thing for each soul to do besides saying those petitions is to READ the JOURNALS, and re-read to understand their message to each of you. Meditate with the Lighted Realms and listen to their words of encouragement.  Some souls may not hear the words, but they have intuition and their God Spirit within to convey those great messages from the Light.

You are given ONE day at a time.  Yesterday is passed, and you cannot change that.  You cannot live in tomorrow land, either.  YOU HAVE THIS DAY!  Live it to the best you can to follow the Laws of God and Creation.  Help others as you can.  Say the Petitions, read, and especially CLEAR yourself of all negativity.

If you have your own Clearing, use it.  You are welcome to use the Clearing written for you to say before you say the great Petitions. 

My great LOVE to all.  The end is near, but I say again to stay focused, calm and balanced, and clear yourself many times a day if you get angry, frustrated, or depressed or……, and ask that the Violent Flame of St. Germain to transmute these evil energies to the ethers and be uncreated.   Always ask this to be done in the name of Sananda and the Blue Light of St. Michael.




Phoenix Journals

“These Journals are the words of Truth which God promised he would send forth at the endtimes to give man one last chance to choose Truth over the Lie. “The PHOENIX JOURNALS are directed and given forth from the higher brotherhood sent forth as the Hosts for the preparation of this time of cycles when this civilization will make transition into higher understanding or return to the ages of darkness.” —Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn

Note: The only known source of the published paper-back copies of the Phoenix Journals is Phoenix Source Distributors, and the Phoenix Journals are now available for $6.00 per copy. Call 1-800-800-5565 for more information. To download and print out the PDF files from our site, either click on the “Download” link to download a zip file of the journal or right-click on the “View PDF File” link and choose “save as” or “save target as” to download that journal to your hard drive.

The number of pages in each journal is listed below the cover picture. The number listed in parenthesis is the actual number of 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper it would take to print that journal. There are a total of 13,760 (8.5 x 11) pages in all 115 journals. If you choose to download all the Journals, they will take up approximately 1.5 gigabytes of hard drive space.”

First Journals To Read
235727 & 47
Tangled Web Series
4344454648495051 & 52
Relative Connection Series
737475 & 76
Birthing The Phoenix Series
222223224 & 225
Rise Of Antichrist Series
227228229 & 230
Banned Phoenix Journals
223031323334353637 & 47

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