Supreme Master Teacher Sananda “Jesus” Says Earth News Concocted In Studios, Rather Than Reported

So apparently there is a conspiracy to create news… not a big surprise to the wise and loving souls who have been gently trying to pass it on…

Like this news and other news to come, one of the biggest news pieces that will never be reported in any corporate media outlet, is some of the following hard to digest material:

-”Jesus” is back bearing a new name, “Sananda”.

-Sananda is connected with the Obama soul project.

-A new financial system is “almost” upon us…. we are in the last moments of the old system.

-The biggest deal of our times, is the ascension, which is NEVER respectfully reported on the news.

Sananda’s words generally resonate as ‘beyond human’… in terms of wisdom, power and love… it is fine if you do not resonate with his words… but to call him a false demon, is just an outright lie… so I challenge those who feel Sananda’s words are those of a demon…. in the light…. present to the rest of us, our allies of the light… that way we can compare your chosen allegiance with the light of Sananda’s… and see who is actually hanging out with demons.  If you cannot do this, then you probably have a good idea that deep down inside, it is not Sananda’s words that lie, but rather somebody’s ego.

When egos go amuck, then the news is fabricated.

When hearts open, then truth is shared…

The world ever awaits for the returned master… now that he is here… people call him a demon… just like last time…  who else do you really want to stand beside?  Feel the answer closely, it matters more than the ego thinks it knows.

If you have falsely thought that Jesus would plop himself down to earth, the news would go out, and crowds would follow him around as he dressed in robes and told cute stories, that would not be accurate… he is now omnipresent, and beyond all human constructs… as we all are.  His mission is multifaceted including to oversea the ascension of humanity into a new dimension… it’s a big deal outside earth atmosphere… inside earth atmosphere… people are still being emotionally lead by their ears, by the fabricated news… just as another side of the alternative news reveals intergalactic news sources…. earthlings…. prepare for a prosperous system and new way of life… all geared towards ascension…. the money to come is not the end in itself, it is to fascilitate your personal ascension and the ascension of all…. and yes, others outside earth’s atmosphere are watching… many many many others… it boggles the imagination.

Enjoy Sananda’s latest message via Kathryn E May below, and I have also posted other messages that resonate as Sananda’s words, and related material.


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Sananda:  As Time and Space Melt Away
Sananda:There are many changes on the Earth plane that I want to tell you about.  The shifts are happening on the political, economic and social fronts, and much of it is behind the glare of the media, so it is difficult for all of you, especially those in the U.S., to find the truth amidst all the propaganda and outright lies.

Many of you are aware of the recent policy of international news sources to use actors, old footage and generally inapplicable photo and video sources to present the kind of story they wish to put forth – or rather their handlers wish to put forth.  This practice began years ago when the broadcast news outlets realized that keeping journalists with their camera people in the field was expensive, and that they could concoct in the studio whatever they needed to illustrate the words of a lone print journalist.

Well, any time money enters the equation, you can be sure the for-profit corporations will find ways to cut corners for their own benefit.  What began as an occasional photo drawn from the film library became a full-fledged operation in the back room where news is created, rather than reported.  Beginning in earnest with 9/11, recently in Syria and Ukraine, and much of the information about ISIS and EBOLA has clearly been staged for public consumption, to stir passions and to promote war.

I am saddened by the endless repetition of this falsified “evidence,” which is carefully crafted for a maximum fear response on the part of the viewer, who is then most likely to agree to aggressive action, whether it is warranted or not.  It is the work of the cabal, still insinuating itself into every level of government in the Western world, and especially in the U.S.

I have been working undercover in a number of places, in various forms, as have many of your Ascended Masters.  I have inhabited the body of President Obama as part of the soul project he represents.  I have also sent a ray of my own soul as an incarnation to help bring forth the new forms of governance and economic policies.   Like my lifetime as the lead soul in the Jesus project, none of these endeavors has been completely successful.  There are always overwhelming obstacles and interference which has its effect on the final outcome.

You are in such a time now, Beloved Ones.  The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry, as Robert Burns illustrated so well.  I prefer the Scottish version:  “The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men Gang aft agley.” The last stanza of his poem, “To a Mouse, on Turning Her Up in Her Nest with the Plough” touches the deepest truth:

Still thou are blest, compared wi’ me!
The present only toucheth thee:
But och! I backward cast my e’e,
On prospects drear!
An’ forward, tho’ I canna see,
I guess an’ fear!

It is one of the greatest challenges of the human experience to overcome that tendency to look backward at dreadful experiences and then project them forward in expectation of further fearful encounters.  This is the weakness upon which the creators of “The War on Terror” – and every war in recent history – have preyed.

Since  the advent of television, the propagandists have fully developed and feel perfectly justified in using any tactic available to bring the population to a point of irrational fear.  In that state, anyone is much easier to control and to convince that their vengeful feelings are justified.

When this builds upon the genuine fear that many children feel all too often, it is what you might call a “slam dunk no-brainer”.  Make people afraid – very afraid, and then you can get them to sign away their liberties, turn over their friends and neighbors to the authorities, and obey any order to suppress those who are seen as the source of the threat. Most of you are vulnerable to such unconscious manipulation because your emotional history created a direct link in your brain from any intense emotion to a fight or flight response – the neurological superhighway Kathryn discusses in our book, “Who Needs Light?”

The Visual Centering technique is based on ancient wisdom, the understanding that in order to change your responses to the world, you must change your own neurological wiring in your brain.  I strongly recommend to all of you now that you begin working with your poor beleaguered brain to rework your channels to switch off the automatic track that leads to fear (the fight or flight response).  It is crucial to your Ascension that you dismantle this “automatic pilot” response in favor of clear assessment, Vision.

Clarity is a beautiful thing, you see.  It is like having all the windows of your house clean and sparkling.  It lets the light shine in.  It lets your light shine outward, and it gives you the confidence to know that you have accurate guidance within yourself to always choose the path of Light.  You cannot be tricked by clever word games or manipulated by threats to your safety or your well-being.

When you are living in full connection to God, there are no grey areas.  There is only Light, and Light is Love. In the presence of unconditional Love, there can be no fear, for you are bathed in the delight of knowing you are One with All That Is, and you go on, no matter what goes on around you or what happens to the temporary vessel you are traveling in for the moment.

Now, let me give you an update on what you can expect in the coming days in regard to the financial blessings you are looking forward to.  It will unfold in a way that may surprise you, but you will come out the other side far wealthier than you are now.  It will be neither extravagant nor paltry.  The transactions will go smoothly and cordially, because the people involved have had plenty of time to be trained, and the systems have been well tested.

This entire process will be one of the first genuinely civilized transactions of the New Golden Age, because it will satisfy the principles of Universal Law.  It will benefit whole countries where war had previously destroyed livelihoods, infrastructure and the right to live in peace; it will put large amounts of money into the hands of the people who will use it for the greater good, and it will demonstrate to the world that the presence of God is all around you, here in human form.

Know that I am here with you, enjoying the new energies of Light that have streamed across the globe.  You are constantly being treated to rising waves of energy from the Central Sun, and at the same time, all the combined crystal energies which are now merged through the power of the Christ Consciousness Grid are being turned up.  This means you are being bathed in the crystalline force that will encode your DNA with the awakened ability to receive and transmit in more powerful telepathic ways, and will allow you to tolerate the rising energy as your Mother Terra breathes the Light of the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions.

These are the ideal conditions that will make it possible for you to recognize and embrace others of your own level of Light in a newly open and celebratory way.  Friendships will blossom in a day, as you discover your expanding heart has room for so many more loved ones than before.  This expansion of your limits will also allow for a more gentle and harmonious encounter with your Twin Flame, for those of you who are open to a new relationship.  New adventures await you as you come around every corner, and we delight in being here to share it with you day by day.

I am fulfilled and gratified to see my friends and loving family reaching out to one another, gaining strength in the synergy of awakening feelings of compassion, love and freedom.

I celebrate our enormous leaps in the last two years.  Remember where you were before December 2012?  Do you recognize yourself as the same person you were then?  I see your tremendous growth, and I send you my unending love to add to your already rich environment.

I am yours in Love, throughout all the challenges and bumps in the road we have traveled together.
Yours in service to the Great One,
I am your Sananda.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, October 21, 11 pm, New York


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